Good News丨AULISS Company Successfully Passed the ISO 9001 Certification

Quality is the lifeline of an enterprise, the lifeblood and soul of an enterprise. In order to further standardize the company's business processes, effectively control risks, and form a model of standardized operation and standardized management, AULISS will implement the ISO9001 quality management system certification from the end of 2022. And successfully obtained the ISO "three systems" (ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system, ISO45001 occupational health and safety management system) certification in March of the following year. The company has stepped up to a new level in terms of refinement, institutionalization and standardized management.

Good news丨AULISS company successfully passed the ISO 9001 certification

Good news丨AULISS company successfully passed the ISO 9001 certification

In March 2023, Anxin and certification experts conducted a management system certification audit on the company. Through on-site review of documents, inquiry, observation, record sampling and other methods, the expert group believes that the company's system documents meet the relevant national standards, agrees to register the company's management system, and issues the "three systems" management certification. Our screw air compressor company will take this opportunity to dig inwards and extend outwards, further promote the management and operation of the "three systems", make quality, environment, and occupational health and safety management more standardized and professional, and constantly improve and enhance the company's comprehensive management level. The company's high-tech and high-quality development provides strong support. Mr. Sun Junsheng, President, expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the employees who have worked hard in the implementation of the standards. He emphasized that the ISO9001 quality management system is conducive to strengthening the company's strength and comprehensively improving the company's management level. It has far-reaching and important significance for the company's sustainable development . He asked all departments to take this external audit as a new starting point, to achieve the "three truths" in the implementation of standards, to truly improve their own capabilities, to truly standardize work behavior, to truly discover problems in work, and to meet higher requirements and more Serious attitude, constantly improve the management system, and truly improve the level and quality of enterprise services.

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